пʼятниця, 27 червня 2014 р.

"Constitutional Reform and Modernization in Ukraine on the way to European integration " to be held July 4, 2014

Dear Colleagues,
Ukrainian Association of International Law, Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Department of International Law, Department of European Law IIR are pleased to invite you to participate in the international scientific conference "Constitutional Reform and Modernization in Ukraine on the way to European integration " to be held July 4, 2014 hall of the Academic Council of the Institute of international Relations at Melnikova st. , 36/1, Kyiv, Ukraine. Conference starts - July 4, at 10:00. Registration will open at 9:30.
The conference will examine three main clusters:
1. The international legal obligations of Ukraine and constitutional reform
2. Constitutional reform in Ukraine and Association Agreement
2.1. Supra-nationality and the need for amending the Constitution of Ukraine
2.2. The experience of European countries on the mechanism of separation of powers - designation and subordination "power" ministries
2.3. European standards for opposition
3. Modernization of the state and legal system of Ukraine: Constitutional Reform as stabilizing factors
3.1. European standards and state-building of local government
3.2. Decentralization of power in Ukraine
The Organizing Committee will be particularly grateful if you actively participate in the discussion of the agenda and send us your report to the address: alexander.zadorozhny2012@gmail.com Participants whose papers will be accepted by the organizing committee and included in the conference program,will be reimbursed travel expenses (both side), accommodation (one night at the hotel 4 stars in the center of Kyiv) and food. Presentations made before 1 July (inclusive). Confirmation of participation will be sent on July 2.
Encouraged prompt referral reports - abstracts -  in order that we can reserve the tickets on time, and you are guaranteed to have taken part in our conference!

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