пʼятниця, 22 лютого 2013 р.

1.     Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands
·       International Criminal Law
·       24 June -5 July 2013
·       Applications need to be received by March 1st, 2013.
·       http://www.grotiuscentre.org/SummerSchoolInternationalCriminalLaw.aspx

2.     Munich University Summer Training in German and European Law (MUST), Munich, Germany
·       Introduction to German and European law
·       3- 27 July 2013
·       Applications must arrive by 15 March 2013
·       http://www.must-misu.de/content/EN/MUST_Home

3.     Munich Advanced Course in International Law (MACIL), Munich, Germany
·       Challenges in International Institutional Law
·       August 5 – 16 2013
·       Deadline: March 15, 2013
·       http://www.macil-misu.de/content/EN/MACIL_Home

4.     European University Institute, The Academy of European Law, Firenze, Italy
·       Human Rights Law; the Law of the European Union
·       17 - 28 June 2013: Human Rights Law
·       1 - 12 July 2013: The Law of the European Union
·       Deadline for applications is 10 April 2013
·       http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/AcademyEuropeanLaw/SummerSchool/Index.aspx

5.     Salzburg University, Summer School 2013, Salzburg, Austria
·       European Private Law
·       July 1st - July 13th, 2013
·       Period of application: 1st March - 30th April 2013
·       http://www.uni-salzburg.at/portal/page?_pageid=140,527127&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

6.     Bucerius Summer Program, Hamburg, Germany
·       Applications must be received by April 30, 2013
·       http://www.law-school.de/summerprogram.html?&L=1

7.     International Summer Program University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
·       European Studies and cultural exchange: choose from courses in law, politics, economics, history, cultural studies and German
·       July 13 - August 10, 2013
·       The application deadline for regular attendance of the International Summer Program is April 30
·       http://shs.univie.ac.at/content/site/shs/sommerhochschule/home/index.html

8.     Prague Summer Schools, Paruge, Czech Republic
·       Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology 2013: June 29 - July 6 2013
·       European Summer Institute on the Future of Europe: Lobbying in Brussels: June 29 - July 6 2013
·       Summer School on European Politics: Interests versus Culture?: June 29 - July 6 2013
·       Summer School on Globalization: The End of Consumption as we Know it: 6 -13 July 2013
·       Early Bird Application Deadline: 30 April 2013
·       Final Deadline: 15 May 2013
·       http://www.praguesummerschools.org/

9.     Geneva Summer Schools, Geneva, Switzerland
·       International Law: June 17 - July 5, 2013 à deadline: May 1st, 2013
·       Understanding Global Governance: June 24 - July 12, 2013 à deadline: May 15th, 2013
·       Global Health and Human Rights: June 17 - July 6, 2013 à deadline: May 1st, 2013
·       http://www.genevasummerschools.ch/

10.  King’s College London, London, UK
·       Session One: 1 - 19 July; Session Two: 22 July - 9 August
·       The early admissions deadline for the Summer School is 15 May 2013. Applications received prior to this are given priority placing on popular courses and accommodation (if required) and subject to the standard £60 application fee. The late admissions deadline 15 June 2013. A late application fee of £130 applies to all applications received between 15 May and 15 June.
·       http://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/summerschool/Introduction/overview.aspx

11.  Antonio Cassese Summer School, Geneva, Switzerland
·       Post-Conflict Justice and State Building
·       1 – 12 July 2013
·       Deadline to send applications: 15 May 2013
·       http://www.cassese-initiative.org/global-education/summer-schools.html

12.  London School of Economics, Summer School, London, UK
·       Session 1: 8 July – 26 July 2013; Session 2: 29 July - 16 August 2013
·       Applications are processed and accepted from January up until the application deadline, 31 May 2013
·       http://www2.lse.ac.uk/study/summerSchools/summerSchool/Home.aspx

13.  Summer School Jointly offered by the Marquette University - Law School, the University of Wisconsin - Law School and the Justus Liebig University Giessen - Law School, Giessen, Germany
·       U.S. – German Summer School in International and Comparative Law
·       July 20 - August 17, 2013
·       There is no fixed deadline to apply. Early registration is recommended since the number of participants is limited and most applications will arrive between January - May 2013.
·       http://fb01-intlaw.recht.uni-giessen.de/internationale-programme/us-german-summer-school-in-international-and-comparative-law/

14.  Maastricht University Summer School, Maastricht, the Netherlands
·       Global Justice and Human Rights
·       5 – 16 August 2013
·       http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main/ProspectiveStudents/MaastrichtSummerSchool/CourseOverview2013/CourseOffer516August.htm#global_justice_and_human_rights

15.  WTI Summer Academy, Bern, Switzerland
·       Week 1: The Art and Science of Trade; Week 2: The Law of Non-Discrimination; Week 3: Building Capacity to Negotiate; Week 4: Trade, Monetary and Financial Law and Policy; Week 5: The Politics and Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements
·       8 July – 9 August 2013
·       The WTI is currently accepting applications for the Summer Academy. However, spaces are limited and experience has shown that they tend to fill up quickly. Qualified applicants will be accepted on a "first-come-first-served" basis.
·       http://www.wti.org/courses/summer-academy/

16.  IN SITU – International Summer School in IT-Law at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
·       IT Law: IN SITU covers the areas of European Law, data protection, electronic commerce and intellectual property, as well as insights into various specific topics such as bio technology law and cloud-computing.
·       22 July – 16 August 2013
·       http://itwillbefun.eu/

1 коментар:

  1. Непогана альтернатива літнім школам MOOCs,
    наприклад, на Coursera https://www.coursera.org/category/law
    З повагою
